New Zealand Slink Lambskin

On the second of three voyages to New Zealand, James Cook released a ewe and a ram in the voice of Queen Charlotte in Marlborough. The two animals survived in their new home for only a few days and it wasn't until the 1850s that the sheep farming industry bloomed with estimated 55 million sheep across the country. Wool and slink lambskin (slinkskin) have become the most valuable exports in the New Zealand farming industry ever since.

There are about 30 million spring lambs born on this pure land in the spring lambing season. During this season, the weather is erratic and cold fronts sweep through New Zealand's countryside. Snow often blankets the ground on rural farms which causing the natural loss of baby lambs. Under the unpredictable spring weather, there are about 10% of lambs die in New Zealand naturally at birth, and 5% of newborn

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